
Rabbit Hole Collection By NovelTea Tins

Created by Noveltea Tins

NovelTea Tins are classic works of literature built into beautiful tea caddies. Inside, organic teas are blended deliciously to evoke the various stories of each namesake title. War and Peach? Pride and Peppermint? Do you have a taste for great literature? We want to provide you with some great taste IN literature. This year we’re back with three exciting new titles inspired by beloved children’s classics from Lewis Carroll, Beatrix Potter and J. M. Barrie.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

This is no mix up: Anne just arrived at our station
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 11:27:48 PM

Dearest backers!

I just wanted to give you a quick update to let you know we've just received our first batch of Anne of Green Tea Gables. Her blend is a summery mix of green tea and raspberry pieces that will whisk you away to Avonlea. 

Anne of Green Tea Gables
Anne of Green Tea Gables

Personally this is one of my favorite teas, as it puts a smile on my face every time I try it. It really fits Anne's optimistic personality and goes so well with the vivid descriptions of Prince Edward's Island. If I close my eyes while enjoying it, it's almost as if I'm heading down The White Way of Delight.  

The best thing for me about finally having the first tea is that I can soon begin fulfilling the first rewards. Things are going much slower than we want them to, but we're convinced the wait will be worth it. If you're in a rush, have a birthday gift planned, or if you're in no rush at all; let us know by email and we'll sort you in the queue as best we can.

Warm wishes,

PS: If this update has grammatical errors and peculiar expressions in it, please blame it on my ESL. In the interest of speedy delivery it was not run by Mitch and Johnny before posting.

PPS: I know that at least ONE backer wrote us about wanting to avoid raspberry in the tea. Fear not; I've secured an alternative green tea for you. Just write me about your preference if you read this. 

Loose Leaf Love and Fulfillment Update
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 12:39:33 AM

Dearest backers,

We're moving closer to fulfillment time an wanted to share a few things with you. 

Loose Leaf Love

We heard your concerns regarding bagged teas loud and clear, so we've talked to our tea blender and we're hoping to offer all our titles in a loose leaf format. This might become the default offering, with bagged teas appearing as an option later on. We'll have more details on this next week for you. 

First Fulfillments

Anne of Green Tea Gables will be the first tea to arrive at our HQ. Once she's here we'll be set to to fulfill the first rewards for anyone that did not pick any of the new Rabbit Hole Collection tins. There's just a handful of you, so if it's you; send us an email so we can find you and ship your tins. 

Mix & Match

Speaking of fulfillment; since we're still at least a month away from starting the big fulfillment push we're able to take custom requests for teas in our tins. If you'd rather have Pride and Peppermint tea in your Anise in Wonderland or some other tea from our current collections, shoot us an email with your request, and we'll be happy to oblige. We know that a handful of you asked for this, so we're happy to do what we can to get you what you want.

Final Puer Rabbit Tin and Prototype Tea Pouch. Final label will be in color.
Final Puer Rabbit Tin and Prototype Tea Pouch. Final label will be in color.

New pouches!  

Our new collection will be delivered in large, resealable pouches. We searched for months for bags that filled our tins better, but just as we had given up our tea provider sent us a sample in the perfect bag. The resealable bag fits snuggly in the tins and distributes the tea evenly.  

We'll also be experimenting with a new kraft bag for experimental new titles. The first of which will be:  

Sense and Sencha-bility!  

We clearly need more Jane Austen in our lives, and this tea has been a long time coming. A classic, chinese sencha, it will soon be available from our web store. It might even appear in a few of our rewards.

Warm wishes for your next tea time,

Johnny, Mitch & Jorgen

Shout out to The Book Store in Medina - One of our latest retailers to pick up our tins. :-)
Shout out to The Book Store in Medina - One of our latest retailers to pick up our tins. :-)

Finally an update! Tea, tins, time and other things.
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 12:09:39 AM


Dearest backers!  

We must apologize for the silence; all three of us has had their hands full and our momentum was hurt in the process. But fear not; we're still marching forward. 

Here's our current status on all NovelTea Things.  

Tea Update  

Finding the right blends took much longer than expected this round. We wanted to pick flavors that felt right for each book and title, but we also wished them to appeal to as many of you as possible. Licorice and pu'er tea can be divisive in nature. But we feel confident you'll enjoy our picks! If you'd like to try one early; shoot us a message below and we'll try to send out samples as soon as we have more!  

We made the decision to go with bagged teas. Many many backers have asked to do this (and some of you prefer loose tea). After much deliberation we chose to go with custom bagged teas prepared by our tea partners in Montana. The truth is that if NovelTea Tins are to survive as more than a Kickstarter project, then we need to make this move.  

(Anne of Green Tea Gables will remain loose leaf for her first edition.)  

The new bags will come in gusseted pouches, with colorful labels on them. Here's a sneak peek at where we're going with the designs.
The new bags will come in gusseted pouches, with colorful labels on them. Here's a sneak peek at where we're going with the designs.

Timing Of Deliveries  

With the switch to bagged teas (see above) we're facing a delay in fulfillment that could take as much as 2 months, some rewards might be fulfilled sooner if we can. As soon as we have a better number we'll be sharing these with you.  

Our dear shipping company sent us a container with no way to get the boxes out of the container. It took 5 hours to unload.
Our dear shipping company sent us a container with no way to get the boxes out of the container. It took 5 hours to unload.

The New Tins  

Now to the good news: The new tins have arrived! And they're just as gorgeous as we dared to hope. In fact, the final designs have more to love on them compared to the original prototypes seen in the Kickstarter.  

The new spine designs are much more intricate and the embossed covers really make the art pop. We're having a hard time picking a favorite.  

As always the lighting is cruel to us, so we'll share a better picture once our photo studio is set up.
As always the lighting is cruel to us, so we'll share a better picture once our photo studio is set up.

Other Things  

We've also received prototypes of various non-tea rewards. Keep an eye out for an update with those very soon. The framed artworks are crisp and the tea mugs pop with color. We'll share more details shortly!  

Another reason for the delay was our move to a new location. The Bay Area proved to be expensive for storage, so Jorgen's moved way north of our old home in the Bay Area. In the quiet mountain town of Mount Shasta we now reside and will be fulfilling all orders from there. 

Check out the video below for a small visit to our new base of opera-tea-ons.

Till soon!  

Jorgen, Johnny and Mitch  


PS: As always the easiest way to reach us is [email protected] - We'll always reply there within 24-48 hours, if not faster.

Early Access to our Backerkit Survey
about 7 years ago – Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 09:03:04 PM


Dearest backers!


Quick update; Our post-kickstarter survey is now live and in early access. Want to help us weed out any errors? Shoot us a message here or an email and we'll send you an invite. All backers should have received an invite within the next 72 hours. 

Look for an email from Backerkit in your inbox. Backerkit is the tool we use for our surveys where you select your rewards. You can even add additional tins and goodies to your pledge there. 


Jorgen, Johnny and Mitch

Backerkit Survey launches within next 48 hours
about 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 11:14:31 PM

Dearest backers,

The BackerKit launches within the next 48 hours. The survey, hosted by Backerkit, will allow you to pick your Noveltea Tins Kickstarter rewards and even add additional titles and goodies to your pledge. For example; we've got mugs now!

Anise in Wonderland appears on her titular mug
Anise in Wonderland appears on her titular mug


Neverland Tea Time was made into a cup by popular demand.
Neverland Tea Time was made into a cup by popular demand.


We've also prepared art prints from the covers.
We've also prepared art prints from the covers.


And finally; tea towels!
And finally; tea towels!


Jorgen, Johnny & Mitch

Today's beautiful image by Folded Pages Distillery