Pippi Oolongstocking Update!
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 05:44:07 PM

She's the strongest girl in the world and there's only one way to catch her...
Here on Kickstarter.
The trouble is that we originally made so few Pippi Oolongstocking Tins that we will soon run out of her completely. Many of you have thus asked what it would take to bring her back...
So we crunched the numbers and found that if we reach $95K we'll be able to produce more Pippi without bankrupting our small venture.
Once we reach $95K in this campaign you will be able to switch any Tin you've ordered during this Kickstarter to a Pippi Tin OR you can add a Pippi Tin to your existing order for $32 more.
HOW DO WE REACH $95,000?
So unless one of you are as rich as Pippi and have $40K sitting around, the best way to bring her back is to share the Kickstarter on Facebook and Instagram and with your friends by email. Every pledge brings us closer (and Johnny does a fist pump).

Kickstarter Link for sharing:
Let us know here if you have questions!
Jorgen, Johnny and Mitch
Main image: foldedpagesdistillery - Pippi Artwork: Julia Glushchuk
I'm already expecting a Pippi tin with my pledge; will this affect me?
You'll be able to add more Pippi tins to your pledge, but other than that you're good. We have enough Pippi left in stock to supply you.
Can I add $32 to my pledge now and get Pippi?
You can add $32 now to help us get to $95,000. Once we reach $95,000 we'll make a special pledge if you JUST want Pippi. Switching pledges is easy. If we somehow don't reach $95,000 you can always cancel your pledge or pick one of our other tins as your reward.
How do I add more to my pledge?
To change your pledge amount, visit the project page and click the “Manage your pledge" button that appears next to your pledge amount. Then, on the following page, select "Change your pledge". From here, you’ll be able to adjust your pledge amount or choose a new reward tier altogether.
Note that you are not adding to your existing pledge; the amount you enter will be the total amount collected if the project is successfully funded.